Fentanyl Addiction
The Most Intense, Fastest & Longest-Lasting Opioid
Fentanyl, an extremely potent opioid drug, is commonly found in certain prescription pain medications. Unlike natural opioids, fentanyl is entirely synthetic and is often mixed into illicit drugs like heroin without the user’s awareness. This has led to a significant rise in accidental overdoses and the widespread problem known as the Opioid Epidemic in the United States (CDC link: https://www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/epidemic/index.html).
Due to its exceptional potency, fentanyl is highly addictive and has a significant potential for abuse. The effects of fentanyl can be more intense, rapid, and long-lasting compared to other opioids. Some common symptoms of fentanyl use include drowsiness, nausea and vomiting, hallucinations, and blurred vision/dizziness.
Treating fentanyl addiction requires a comprehensive approach that takes time and dedication. Medication-assisted detox, combined with supportive programs and therapy, has shown effectiveness in fentanyl addiction recovery. South Coast Counseling increases access to impactful and quality substance abuse and mental health recovery treatment services for individuals and families facing life-threatening consequences. Our addiction treatment programs include therapy, education, and wellness initiatives in order to set you up for long-term success.
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Our sole mission is to provide you or your loved one with the personalized addiction treatment you need!